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What Happens Psychologically When A Parent Dies

What Happens Psychologically When A Parent Dies: A Detailed Review On Childhood Trauma “When I was really young, I didn’t understand how my mother died....

Sunny Ali: A Man With A Billion Dollar Vision

How many Pakistanis do you know who had a rags-to-riches story and still kept contributing constructively to their homeland? Sunny Ali is one such...

Conquer Your Maquillaphobia: Overcoming The Fear of Makeup

Are you one of those individuals who find themselves in a dilemma when faced with makeup? Do you experience anxiety at the mere thought...

Hoplophobia; How To Tackle The Fear of Guns?

Are you curious about the roots of your fear? Are guns your greatest fear? Let's unpack why. On one side there are roughly 90-million legitimate...

The Mindset Of A Cheating Man: 10 Reasons Why Man Cheat

Mindset Of A Cheating Man Unveiling Hidden Thoughts For many individuals, cheating is difficult to discuss, and understanding the reasoning behind infidelity behavior is critical...

Phobia of Bald People; Am I Losing Hair or Am I Paranoid?

Overview: Phobias are irrational fears of certain objects or situations. Among the list of phobias that exist, the "phobia of bald people" or peladophobia is...

Dreams About Death Of A Parent: Embracing Psychological Insights and Symbolic Messages

Dreams About Death Of A Parent Parents are the most beautiful gifts from god. One cannot even imagine leaving them for a moment even. But...

Never let your emotions overpower your intelligence; 17 tricks emotionally intelligent people use

Do you sometimes feel like your emotions have a tight hold on you, affecting your decisions and actions? If yes, then you must be...

When Someone Interferes In your Relationship: Love Under Attack

Have you ever been in a terrible position when everyone is against your relationship? Have you experienced being featured in a "Romeo and Juliet"-style...