Never let your emotions overpower your intelligence; 17 tricks emotionally intelligent people use

Do you sometimes feel like your emotions have a tight hold on you, affecting your decisions and actions? If yes, then you must be interested in acquiring emotional intelligence.

In today’s fast-paced world, striking a balance between emotions and intelligence can be challenging. The phrase “never let your emotions overpower your intelligence” has become very popular these days. But what exactly does this mean? And how can we nurture emotional intelligence without compromising cognitive ability? 

According to a study by Talent Smart, in the workplace 90% of top performers have high emotional intelligence. So, it’s necessary for everyone to have high emotional intelligence which would help them create a balance between their emotions and intelligence.

In this article we’ll be looking at all the aspects of emotional intelligence. So fasten your seatbelts and get ready to explore!

What is the meaning of never let your emotions overpower your intelligence?

Emotions are vital to our human experience, but allowing them to dominate our thoughts and actions can hinder our ability to think and make wise decisions. By nurturing emotional intelligence, we can maintain a healthy balance between our feelings and logical thinking.

The meaning of this statement emphasizes that there is a need to make decisions and react based on logical reasoning rather than impulsive emotions. When emotions are high intelligence is low , so decisions can become clouded and lead to unwanted consequences.

when emotions are high intelligence is low

Cognitive Intelligence vs Emotional Intelligence:

You would have heard these 2 terms frequently, let’s discuss what is the difference between these two.

Cognitive intelligence refers to our ability to process information, think critically, and solve problems. It’s often measured through IQ tests and is associated with academic success.

Emotional intelligence, on the other hand, involves recognizing, understanding, and managing our own emotions and the emotions of others. Nurturing emotional intelligence allows us to respond to situations with empathy and control, even when emotions are high intelligence is low. Emotional intelligence is assessed through measures such as the Emotional Quotient (EQ) or various psychometric tests

When we look at the nature of these two intelligences, then we get to know that cognitive intelligence is innate while emotional intelligence is usually acquired.

Cognitive intelligence is fixed, which means that it relies majorly on cognitive abilities that are believed to have a genetic basis. And it is said that if a quality is present in your genetics then it doesn’t change much over time or it’s very hard to change it. That’s why cognitive intelligence is considered stable over time.

On the other hand, emotional intelligence is malleable which means that it can be easily influenced and controlled. It can be developed and improved through practice, experience, and learning new things. The nature of this intelligence makes it a flexible skill.

Cognitive intelligence is crucial for academic and professional success, as it directly influences problem-solving abilities, academic performance, and job-related skills.

While on the other hand, emotional intelligence is vital for interpersonal relationships, conflict resolution, and overall well-being. By complementing cognitive abilities, it plays a significant role in personal and professional success.

The key is finding a balance where neither cognitive nor emotional intelligence overpowers the other. When you never let your emotions overpower your intelligence, you create harmony between our hearts and minds.

Is Intelligence More Important Than Emotion?

Intelligence and emotion are both crucial components of our mental makeup. The importance of intelligence versus emotion depends on the context and the specific situation. Both intelligence and emotion play essential roles in our lives, and each has its own strengths and weaknesses.

In some situations, intelligence may take dominance, especially in tasks that require logical reasoning, analysis, and data-driven decision-making. For example, in academic or technical fields, a high level of intelligence can be a significant advantage.

However, emotions are equally important, if not more so, in many aspects of life. Emotional intelligence (EQ) is essential for understanding ourselves and others, maintaining healthy relationships. Researchers found that couples with higher emotional intelligence are more likely to be satisfied in their relationship.

Moreover, the people with high EQ tend to have better communication skills, empathy, and the ability to manage their emotions, leading to more harmonious interactions with others.

So the motto “never let your emotions overpower your intelligence” doesn’t mean intelligence is more important than emotion. It’s a reminder to keep them in balance, recognizing the value in both, and understanding that when emotions are high intelligence is low and vice versa.

17 tricks emotionally intelligent people use:

According to a study published in the Journal of Applied Psychology, emotional intelligence can be improved through training and development programs. Here are 17 tricks emotionally intelligent people usually use and by using these you can also train yourself to improve your emotional intelligence:

1. Self-awareness: 

Spend time reflecting on your emotions. Understand what triggers them and how they affect you and others.

2. Emotion Regulation: 

Practice techniques such as deep breathing or meditation to manage your emotions better, especially during stressful times.

3. Emotional Detachment: 

Practice separating your emotions from situations. This can help to reduce unnecessary emotional reactions and make more rational decisions.

4. Patience: 

When emotions are high intelligence is low , which leads to impatient behavior. So you should cultivate patience and resist the urge to react impulsively. Make sure to give yourself time to think and process situations thoroughly.

5. Motivation and Consistency: 

Set goals and be driven by them, not by momentary emotional states. Use your passion to stay motivated and consistent in your tasks.

6. Empathy: 

Empathy allows individuals to put themselves in someone else’s shoes and perceive the world from their perspective. When you understand the emotions, thoughts, and experiences of others, you can respond with sensitivity which will make your relationships better.

Strive to understand the feelings of others. Practice active listening and open-mindedness while interacting with others to bring empathy.

7. Social Skills: 

Actively work on building healthy relationships. Be respectful, and appreciate the diversity in others.

nurturing emotional intelligence

8. Emotional Literacy: 

Learn to identify and name your emotions. This can help you control them better.

9. Mindfulness: 

Be present in your interactions. Concentrate on the moment instead of dwelling on the past or worrying about the future.

10. Positive Outlook: 

  Make sure to have an optimistic viewpoint. Look for the good in people and situations.

Positivity cultivates optimism, which involves expecting favorable outcomes and maintaining a hopeful attitude all the time, even in the face of difficulties. Emotionally intelligent individuals confront situations with optimism which helps them solve their problem easily.

11. Effective Communication: 

Express your feelings in a non-confrontational manner. Be assertive but respectful.

12. Stress Management: 

A research published in the Journal of Clinical Psychology found that low emotional intelligence is associated with high levels of stress. So it’s necessary to develop techniques such as exercise, mindfulness, or hobbies to manage stress effectively.

13. Conflict Resolution: 

Strive for win-win situations. Stay calm and focus on solving the issue rather than placing blame on others.

14. Time Management: 

Prioritize your tasks and avoid procrastination. Use tools or techniques (e.g Pomodoro) that work for you to manage your time efficiently.

15. Receptive to Feedback: 

Feedback is a catalyst for continuous learning and improvement. Emotionally intelligent individuals who consider feedback as a source of valuable information tend to have a better exposure.

Receiving feedback is a crucial aspect of emotional intelligence as it tells you about the positive and negative aspects of your behavior, performance, and impact on others.

The most concerning point in it is negative feedback/criticism, because anybody can deal with positive feedback easily. The one who deals efficiently with negative feedback is the one who has emotional intelligence.

Accept constructive criticism from others. View it as a tool for personal growth, not as an attack.

16. Sense of Humor: 

Don’t take things too seriously. A good laugh can diffuse tension and lighten the mood.

Humor is a powerful tool for building connections and socializing with others. Emotionally intelligent individuals who possess a good sense of humor use wit to break the ice and ease tension in social interactions.

It is said that a shared laugh creates a sense of unity and strengthens your relationships.

17. Gratitude: 

Regularly acknowledge what you’re grateful for. This can help bring out positivity and keep things in perspective.

Remember, developing emotional intelligence is a journey, not a destination. It takes time and regular practice. By incorporating these tricks into your daily life, you’ll be well on your way to enhancing your emotional intelligence.


The concept of “never let your emotions overpower your intelligence” is not about suppressing emotions but rather about embracing and managing them properly. By nurturing emotional intelligence and recognizing the importance of both cognitive and emotional intelligence, we can live balanced and fulfilling lives.

Through self-awareness, empathy, and other techniques, we can ensure that our decisions are guided by wisdom rather than impulse, and that our relationships are defined by compassion and understanding. 

After all, the harmony between our emotions and intelligence is a key to personal growth and success.


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Allowing your emotions to completely control you can lead to several negative consequences like: Impaired Decision-making, damaged relationships, reduced self-control etc.


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